Saturday 21 January 2023

Can that little thumby thingy run Doom?


Doom is a game that keeps on giving. It's hard to believe that it's been almost 30 years since the release of Doom, one of the most influential first-person shooters in the history of gaming. The game, developed by id Software, was released in 1993 and has since seen a plethora of iterations, mods, and ports. But one question remains: just how far can Doom be pushed in terms of the ways it can be ported?

One fan of the game has recently taken it upon themselves to answer this question by porting Doom to a keyring-sized gaming system. The fan, known as SunnyChow, posted a video on Twitter of the game running on a device called a Thumby. The Thumby, described as an "itty-bitty game system" on the manufacturer's website, is similar in size and design to the classic Game Boy. In the video, SunnyChow's thumbs eclipse the tiny device, yet the game is still clearly playable.

This latest port of Doom has sparked speculation about what id Software's next project might be. With the developer currently working on a new project, fans are eager to know whether they will be bringing back the Doom Slayer or perhaps exploring other franchises like Quake. However, there's no way of knowing for sure just yet.

Classic Doom
Over the years, Doom has been made playable on a wide variety of devices, from smartwatches to treadmills and even a John Deere tractor. This versatility is a testament to the game's enduring popularity and influence. When Doom was first released, it not only helped shape the first-person shooter genre but also pioneered early online multiplayer at a time when that was much less commonplace. Even today, Doom's legacy is still felt in the gaming industry.

2020's Doom Eternal
As we approach the 30th anniversary of Doom's release, it's clear that the game is still beloved by fans. People have not forgotten about this iconic shooter, and no doubt many will continue to mod and port it to new platforms. It's truly amazing to think about all the ways Doom has been adapted and played over the years and the creative ways fans continue to find to enjoy the game.

In conclusion, Doom is a game that keeps on giving, with fans continuing to push the boundaries of what's possible with the game. From its release in 1993 to now, Doom has proven to be a game that's still relevant and enjoyable even after all these years. And who knows, maybe id Software has something special planned for the 30th anniversary of the game's release. Only time will tell.

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